Providing cooked food to people with hunger

Cooked food was provided to people who only have one meal a day. This is a village with people who face lot of hardships in Gampaha District. We have provided them with the needed groceries and they managed to prepare food by themselves. These people were fed for ten consecutive days.

Name of Event

Providing cooked food to people with hunger


Heenatiyana Dhammalokagama village,Minuwangoda,Gampaha


20-12-2022 -150 villagers
22-12-2022 -  50 villagers
23-12-2022 -  55 villagers
24-12-2022 -  55 villagers
25-12-2022 -  55 villagers
26-12-2022 -  60 villagers
27-12-2022 -  70 villagers
28-12-2022 -  70 villagers
29-12-2022 -  65 villagers
30-12-2022 -  55 villagers

No of beneficiaries

400 Families