Support Services for Domestic Violence
Global Humanitarian Aid Foundation (GHAF) offers specialist support services for domestic violence to women, children, and adults who may be experiencing various forms of abuse or maltreatment. We can help provide aid to those individuals who are physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially distressed because of domestic violence. The support we offer includes counselling, medical assistance, financial aid, emergency living accommodation, and daily life essentials like food, water, clothing, and others. The goal of our support services for domestic violence is to help victims recover from trauma, provide them with a safe and caring living environment, and assist them in any way possible.
Domestic violence is a crime and here at GHAF we uphold and protect the rights of women, children, and adults. Thus, we strongly believe that it is our responsibility to not only provide support and assistance but also report incidents of domestic violence to help protect victims in the future. Through our efforts, we aim to help eradicate the occurrences of domestic violence in our society. Everyone has the right to live a happy, full, and meaningful life, and any individual who is experiencing domestic violence, we want you to know that we are here every step of the way to support you.
If you are currently experiencing abuse, please call LifeLine on 13 11 14 or Emergency Services on 000 (Triple Zero).
For more information about our domestic violence support services, call 1800 979 699or email
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is also termed as domestic abuse or intimate partner violence. This pattern of abusive behaviour is characterised by physical, sexual, emotional, financial, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person to do something that is against their will or better judgement. These behaviours can include fright, intimidation, terror, manipulation, humiliation, accusation, harm, or injury. Domestic violence can severely traumatise victims for life. So, it is of critical importance that individuals who are experiencing abuse should be provided with the support and care they need to begin the process of recovering from their trauma.
These abusive behaviours are commonly manifested toward an intimate partner in a dating, living, or family relationship and also other individuals who are in close proximity like children, adolescents, other family members, and even pets, where the offender wields power and control over the victims. Domestic violence can happen to anyone, regardless of age, social background, gender, religion, sexuality, or ethnicity. Whilst these patterns of abusive behaviours happen in all relationships (heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender), statistics show the vast majority of domestic violence incidents are carried out by men and experienced by women.
Domestic violence can begin at any stage of the relationship whether partners are already a married couple, living together, or just dating. Research data have shown that these patterns of abusive behaviours are rarely a one-off and can become a vicious cycle of violence. Incidents generally become more frequent and severe over time. The abuse will continue until there is proper intervention by third parties like other family members, friends, social welfare organisations, or government authorities to separate the victims from the offenders permanently. Sady though, in many cases, domestic violence may end in serious physical injury or even death.
How Do You Know If You Are Experiencing Domestic Violence?
You might be experiencing domestic violence if you are in a relationship with someone who:
- Calls you names, insults you, or puts you down
- Prevents or discourages you from going to work, school or seeing family members or friends
- Tries to control how you spend money, where you go, what medicines you take, or what you wear
- Acts jealous, possessive, or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
- Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs
- Tries to control whether you can see a healthcare provider
- Threatens you with violence or a weapon
- Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes, or otherwise hurts you, your children, or your pets
- Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will
- Blames you for his or her violent behaviour or tells you that you deserve it
- Threatens to tell friends, family, colleagues, or community members your sexual orientation or gender identity
Please call LifeLine on 13 11 14 or Emergency Services on 000 (Triple Zero) if you are experiencing any of the abovementioned situations. Domestic violence is a crime. We all have a role to play in bringing domestic violence to an end.
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